Thursday 21 December 2006

I need Someone To Talk To.

I received a call from a friend (I promised her, I wont disclose her name) at about 9pm yesterday. I was surprised that she called me because she's only communicated to me via e-mail before now. By the way she is my friend even though we have never met physically only virtually (Online) through a friend that knows us both but I do call her occasionally. On taking her call, the first thing she told me from a sad voice was 'I Need Someone To Talk To'. I paused and asked what the issue was, she really did want to tell me but did not know if she should.

I asked her to drop so I can call her back. I did and that was when she told me, that her fiance cheated on her and mistreated her some months back but the thoughts keep hurting her even though they claim to have settled the issue.

I am not a counsellor and even if I want to be, certainly not for ladies. I tried talking to her though and whatever I told her would have been good because after talking with her for about 14 minutes, she, amidst her laughter thanked me for the relieve she's got from talking with me.
(I have her permission to write only this but Iwill seek her permission to post our conversation someday, hopefully soon.)

When I lay on my bed later to sleep that night, these thoughts came to my mind.

When do we need someone to talk to?

How often do we need someone to talk to?

When your friends need someone to talk to, do they call you?

Who do you call when you need someone to talk to?

When people need you to talk to, are you always there for them?

What do you expect from people you need to talk to?

After talking with those who need to talk to you, are they better or worse?

How prepared are you to answer those who need to talk to you?

Believe me, in life one day or the other, someone will need you to talk to, as much as you will need someone also to talk to. How you feel after the talk and how you make the person feel matters a lot. Do not turn people down, get prepared to help that friend bottling up things and help yourself by letting that thing you are bottling go. You can only do this by letting it out - Talk To That Person You Need To Talk To.

Caution: Know who you Talk to. (I'll blog this topic soon).

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